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新目标七年级英语下册Unit 4 I want to be an actor.教案

[10-15 05:24:51]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  七年级英语教案   阅读:8852
概要:教学目标:1. 学会不同工作的英文表达方式。2. 了解同学父母的工作。3. 学会简单的介绍自己将来的理想。教学导向:重点词汇:teacher, nurse, engineer, manager, air hostess, lawyer, doctor, clerk, reporter, police重点句型:1. What does your mother do? She is a teacher. What does your father do? He is an engineer. 2. What do you want to be? I want to be a teacher. What does she want to be? She wants to be a singer. 本节课流程图 教学板块设计Task 1:Know the names of the different jobs目
新目标七年级英语下册Unit 4 I want to be an actor.教案,标签:初一英语教案,七年级下册英语教案,http://www.77xue.com

  1. 学会不同工作的英文表达方式。

  2. 了解同学父母的工作。

  3. 学会简单的介绍自己将来的理想。


  重点词汇:teacher, nurse, engineer, manager, air hostess, lawyer, doctor, clerk, reporter, police

  重点句型:1. What does your mother do?     She is a teacher.

              What does your father do?     He is an engineer.

            2. What do you want to be?       I want to be a teacher.

              What does she want to be?     She wants to be a singer.



  Task 1:Know the names of the different jobs


  课前准备:教师需要准备关于teacher, nurse, engineer, manager, air hostess, lawyer, doctor, clerk, reporter, police等工作的具体文字描述。


  1. 教师向每个小组发放一份关于工作的描述,竞赛看那个小组最先猜出答案,并将本组的谜语提供给全班,让其他组竞猜,这可以将学生的注意力,吸引到课堂上来,并对同学年的谜语加以思考。此活动以小组为单位,让学生通过谜语来猜测工作的名称,猜对者给小组加分。

  The riddles supplied by the teacher:

  1) I work in the hospital every day. My work is very hard but also very important. The doctors and patients need my help. I help the doctor and look after the patients. I always wear white clothes. People call us “angels in white”.

  2) I drive a car every day, but the car is not mine. There are many people sitting in my car every day. After they go out of the car, they must pay me money.

  3) My job is very difficult but interesting. I help people on the court. If I succeed I will get lots of money, but if I fail, I get no money.

  4) I am very proud of my job. Because I am like your mother. I will tell you what is right and what is wrong. Sometimes I am very strict.

  5) I work outside; I am very busy because there are many letters in my bag, and I must give the letters to different people.

  6) I work in a restaurant and I always carry some fruits and dishes. I often ask people: What would you like? I am really very busy.

  2. 在所有单词导入后,以小组为单位,将所有单词按不同的标准分类,如:适合男人的工作,适合女人的工作等,通过这项

教案《新目标七年级英语下册Unit 4 I want to be an actor.教案》,来自www.77xue.com网!http://www.77xue.com


  Task 2: Know what your group members’ parents do.

  目   的:通过这个任务,学生能应用本单元的主要句型,询问本组成员父母的工作。


  1. 小组活动,在小组内小组成员互相询问父母的工作。

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