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5B Unit 8 教案设计之一

[11-10 12:27:42]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  小学五年级英语教案   阅读:8490
概要:第一教时教学目标:1,能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写句型how do you spend your weekends? i often …..sometimes i…. how does he/she spend his/her weekends? she/he…2,四会掌握单词:spend often weekend3,能复习巩固旧词组:surf the internet play basketball go climbing listen to music go to the cinema watch tv go to the park do housework clean the room wash the clothes watch cartoons catch insects do homework教学重点难点:一般现在时的人称变化和动词变化教学具准备:录音机,英语歌曲磁带一、revis
5B Unit 8 教案设计之一,标签:人教版五年级英语教案,pep五年级英语教案,http://www.77xue.com

1,能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写句型how do you spend your weekends? i often …..sometimes i….    how does he/she spend his/her weekends?  she/he…
2,四会掌握单词:spend  often   weekend
3,能复习巩固旧词组:surf the internet    play basketball  go climbing  listen to music  go to the cinema   watch tv  go to the park   do housework   clean the room   wash the clothes   watch cartoons   catch insects  do homework
d   presentation and drill 新授和操练
1 教师出示一个挂历,指着星期六和星期天问学生 what do you do on saturdays and sundays? 学生回答 i play football. 教师接着说:how do you spend your weekends? oh, you often play football at the weekends.让学生理解句子的意思,然后教师指着星期六和星期天对学生说 weekend, at the weekends, 让学生理解该词的含义,跟读模仿单词weekend, at the weekends 及句型how do you spend your weekends? 板书单词及句型weekend 及句型how do you spend your weekends?
2 教师在挂历的大部分周末处画上足球,剩下的画上tv---t : how do you spend your weekends? 启发学生回答: i often play football. sometimes i watch tv. 通过直观的图示使学生了解often 和sometimes 的含义,板书单词often 和sometimes 及句型i often play football. sometimes i watch tv.
3 师生问答,学习并操练how do you spend your weekends?及其答语 i often ... sometimes i ...
4 教师出示课文投影片简介课文内容,让学生了解对话的背景,然后问学生:look. this is wang bing. how does he spend his weekends?  he likes surfing the internet.通过画有电脑的投影片使学生明白该句的意思。教师接着 说:i likes surfing the internet, too. i think it's very interesting. i can learn a lot from it. i can read novels、learn english、qq, etc on the internet. what do you think of it?   教师通过手势、表情引出单词very, learn from, 教师示范发音,学生静听、模仿、跟读,并拼读。
5 教师接着介绍课文中人物的周末活动,然后问:how does he/she spend his/ her weekends? 通过手势、表情让学生理解该句的意思,引导学生用he/ she often ... 和 sometimes he/ she... 回答,板书学习单词sport, catch, of course
6 让学生分层次练说句型how does he/she spend his/ her weekends? he/ she often ... 和 sometimes he/ she...
7 让学生看图、听录音,整体理解对话。
e  practice and consolidation练习和巩固
1 让学生听录音,模仿跟读。2 学生小组分角色朗读。3 在熟读的基础上让学生在小组内试着表演对话。4 游戏活动:看看、说说。让一个学生做动作,其他学生用英语描述。
the second period
一、教学内容: look, read and learn
二、教学目标:1   通过复习能正确熟练掌握a部分会话,并能表演对话。2   能正确地运用对话中出现的日常交际用语进行交际活动。3   熟练掌握b 部分 look, read and learn中出现的四会单词。
a   listen to a song 听歌曲 we know.
b   free talk 师生交流
c   revision 复习
1  出示本课对话投影片,师生看图问答。2  学生看图小组内表演对话。

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