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外研社七年级英语下册Module4 Unit1teaching plan教案

[10-27 03:25:25]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  七年级英语教案   阅读:8241
概要:.Choose the best answers to the questions. Step 5. They will use the Internet. They won’t use…. Will they use…? Yes, they will./ No, they won’t. Step6. Homework. 教案《外研社七年级英语下册Module4 Unit1teaching plan教案》,来自www.77xue.com网!http://www.77xue.com上一页 [1] [2]
外研社七年级英语下册Module4 Unit1teaching plan教案,标签:初一英语教案,七年级下册英语教案,http://www.77xue.com
.Choose the best answers to the questions.
Step 5. They will use the Internet.
      They won’t use….
      Will they use…?
      Yes, they will./ No, they won’t.
Step6. Homework.
 教案《外研社七年级英语下册Module4 Unit1teaching plan教案》,来自www.77xue.com网!http://www.77xue.com

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