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英语教案-Body language

[06-21 12:26:32]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  高二英语教案   阅读:8535
概要:Express an opinion3.Men Kiss each other: In some of these countries, such as France, men will usually only kiss male members of their family. On very formal occasions, such as a ceremony or a meeting of national leaders, the men will kiss. Normally, the kiss is on each cheek. How do you think about that? How to compare the customs in China and France? 英语教案-Body language由www.77xue.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.77xue.com上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
英语教案-Body language,标签:人教版高二英语教案,高二英语教案下载,http://www.77xue.com
Express an opinion

3.Men Kiss each other: In some of these countries, such as France, men will usually only kiss male members of their family. On very formal occasions, such as a ceremony or a meeting of national leaders, the men will kiss. Normally, the kiss is on each cheek. How do you think about that? How to compare the customs in China and France?

英语教案-Body language由www.77xue.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.77xue.com

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