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高中二年级英语Lesson 89 Dialogue

[06-21 12:28:34]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  高二英语教案   阅读:8195
概要:Lesson 89 DialogueLesson objectives:1.Students will be able to use everyday English freely and grasp the ways of making a short telephone dialogue.2.Expressions and structures: Can I speak to…? /Sb. dials the wrong number. / Would you Like a word with…? / Fold on. I'll go and get…3.Words and phrases: chat/ have… on / get together / all the best / have a word withTeaching aids: a recorder, a computer, a telephone, etc.Teaching procedure:A.Pre
高中二年级英语Lesson 89 Dialogue,标签:人教版高二英语教案,高二英语教案下载,http://www.77xue.com
Lesson 89 Dialogue

Lesson objectives:

1.Students will be able to use everyday English freely and grasp the ways of making a short telephone dialogue.

2.Expressions and structures: Can I speak to…? /Sb. dials the wrong number. / Would you Like a word with…? / Fold on. I'll go and get…

3.Words and phrases: chat/ have… on / get together / all the best / have a word with

Teaching aids: a recorder, a computer, a telephone, etc.

Teaching procedure:



1) Daily report:

As usual, each student says something that they are familiar with, such as film stars, pop stars, sports stars, daily life, etc. (Ex. Ⅰ in AB)

2) Make some brief telephone conversations with the Ss in the class, for example:

T: (Use the telephone and dial the number.)

S1: Hello.

T: Can I .speak to Hou Ying?

S1: This is Hou Ying.

T: Hello. This is Wang Bing. How are you?

S1: Fine. Thank you. And you?

T: I'm OK. Thank you.……

S2: (Use the telephone and dial the number.)

T: Hello.

S2: Can I speak to Shi Wei?

T: I'm sorry, she's not in. Can I take a message?

S2: OK. This afternoon we'll have a meeting at 2 o'clock in the school hall. Please tell her to attend it on time. Don't he late.

T: OK.


Tell the students in this unit we are going to learn about telephones. From this unit, you can get some information about telephones, such as How were telephones connected with each other in the past and how about today? etc.

B.The body of the lesson


1) Ask the Ss what can you see in the picture? (A man is ringing somebody up) and get the Ss to tell you what they think is happening.

2) Tell the Ss Today We are going to learn a dialogue between Steve and Pippa. They are talking about something.

3) Teacher may say: Listen to the dialogue (Book closed.) and think about the question: What does Steve ask Pippa to do? (To go to a lecture about the universe.)


1) The students work in pairs to practise the dialogue. Walk around the room and correct pronunciation as necessary. Ask some pairs to present the dialogue to the class.

2) Pair work. Complete the following dialogues. (Ex. Ⅱ in AB)

A: Thanks for the message.

B: Not at all.

A: There's no one called Mary here.

B: I'm sorry. I think I dialed the wrong number.

A: Please could I have a word with her?

B: Just a moment. I'll go and get her.

A: Have you got time for a chat?

B: No, I'll have to ring off now. Someone wants to use the phone.

A: I've got sth. on that evening.

B: What a pity!

A: Are you free to come to a party on Friday?

B: Just a minute. I'll have a look to see if I'm free then.

A: Is this a convenient time?

B: Sure, go ahead.

A: Would you like a word with her?

B: Yes, please.

3) You can give the following exercise.

Say: We just know sth. of making a short telephone dialogue. Please tell me what we shall say when we make a short telephone dialogue?

S1: Hello. Can I speak to…?

S2: Hello. Is that Bob?

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