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Unit 17 Nature

[06-21 12:21:48]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  高一英语教案   阅读:8658
概要:教学目标知识目标:通过本单元的教学,使学生了解并初步掌握现在进行时被动语态的用法。复习本单元出的表示打算和目的的用语。学习课文能应用所学语言描述麋鹿的今昔对比,使学生了解保护野生动物的意义。教学重点与难点1.重点词汇 increase; disappear; alive; research; protect; put on performances; at present; one after another2.重要句型 1) How long will it take you to complete the trip? 2) We want to give some money to this project so that the number of these deer in China can be increased. 3) It is hoped that one day they will have enough animals to set them free and l
Unit 17 Nature,标签:外研版高一英语教案,高一英语教案设计,http://www.77xue.com


  1.重点词汇 increase; disappear; alive; research; protect; put on performances; at present; one after another
  2.重要句型 1) How long will it take you to complete the trip? 2) We want to give some money to this project so that the number of these deer in China can be increased. 3) It is hoped that one day they will have enough animals to set them free and let them live in the wild again.
  3.语法 理解并初步掌握现在进行时被动语态的用法:1) The life of the milu is being studied at present. 2) More milu deer are being moved to a new large nature park in Shishou in Hubei Province.
  4.日常交际用语 打算和目的 (Intentions and purposes) : 1) Why are you making this journey? 2) We are trying to collect the money for a wildlife project. 3) We want to . . . so that . . . 4) What is the purpose of your new project? 5) That sounds a good idea. 6) Good luck with your trip!
  1. 掌握有关的的旅行目标用语:如旅行的目的地、出发地、及旅行的目的、方式等。
  2. 运用关键词汇复述课文。
  3. 如何运用现在进行时的被动语态。




Part 1 ( Paragraph I ) The number of milu deer in nature parks in China is increasing every year.

Part 2 (Paragraphs 2-3) The history of milu deer in China and in England

   (Paragraph 2) The milu deer disappeared during the Ming and the Qing periods.

   (Paragraph 3) The only milu deer alive belonged to the Duke of Bedford in England.

Part 3 (Paragraphs 4-5) The milu deer centers in China

   (Paragraph 4) The life of milu is being studied in the Naniaizi Milu Park.

   (Paragraph 5) The number of milu deer has greatly increased in Dafeng.

Part 4 ( Paragraph 6) It's hoped that there will be milu deer living in the wild in China.


  1.It’s hoped….that (人们希望)是个常用句型,其中的it是形式主语,that引导的是个主语从句。类似的有It is said /reported/believed/ that…..等

  2.There are so many deer that some are being sent to nature reserves by environmentalists who would like to return them to the wild.其实,现在这种麋鹿已经相当多了,有一些正在被送往那些愿意把麋鹿送回野外去的地方。

  1)该句是一个较为复杂的复合句,主句为…there are so many deer, that引导的是结果状语从句。


  are being sent是现在进行时的被动语态形式,表示“正在被送往”。


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