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七年级英语Why do you like koalas教案

[12-19 05:11:57]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  七年级英语教案   阅读:8597
概要:Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?一、教学内容:Unit 3 Why do you like koalas? (一)语言功能:Describe animals; Express preferences描述动物;表达好恶 (二)目标语言:1. What animals do you like? I like elephants.2. Why do you like pandas? Because they’re very cute/interesting/smart.3. Where are lions from? Lions are from South Africa.4. She is very beautiful but she is very shy. (三)重点单词和词组1. first num.第一 This class we are going to learn the first lesson. 今天我们学习第一课。
七年级英语Why do you like koalas教案,标签:初一英语教案,七年级下册英语教案,http://www.77xue.com

Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?
Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?
(一)语言功能:Describe animals; Express preferences
1. What animals do you like?  I like elephants.
2. Why do you like pandas?   Because they’re very cute/interesting/smart.
3. Where are lions from?      Lions are from South Africa.
4. She is very beautiful but she is very shy.
1. first  num.第一
This class we are going to learn the first lesson. 今天我们学习第一课。
adv. 首先,最初。用作状语,修饰动词或句子。
Let the old man go first.   让老人先走。
adj. 最初的,首先的
The first thing to us is to learn English well.对我们来说首要的事是学好英语。
2.(1)kind 常用作名词,表示“种,类”表示一个种类的用kind of +名词,名词一般用单数,名词前不加冠词.
—What kind of movie do you like?      — I like action movies.
—你喜欢哪种电影?                  —动作片。
What kind of fruit do you want?    你想要哪种水果?
a kind of 一种                all kinds of  各种各样的 
many kinds of  很多种类的   different kinds of  不同种类的 
(2)kind  用作形容词,表示亲切的,和蔼的
The teacher is very kind to us.  老师对我们很好。
(3)kind of  有点,稍微   相当于副词,修饰形容词或动词。
The monkey is kind of smart.   这只猴子有点聪明。
I kind of like him.  我有几分喜欢他。
3. other (1) 用作形容词,“其他的,另外的”
What other animals do you like ?  你还喜欢什么其他的动物?
Can you see other girls?      你能看见其他的女孩吗?
(2)other 用作代词 在“one …the other…”结构中,指两个中的另一个。
I have two pens, one is black, the other is white. 
I can’t find the other shoe. 我找不到另一只鞋。
4. friendly 友好的    be friendly to sb. =be kind to sb.  对某人友好
be friendly with sb. 和某人关系好
The teacher is friendly to the students.  老师对学生很友好。
The children here are friendly with each other. 这里的孩子相互友爱。
5. sleep  v. 睡觉
We sleep eight hours every day.  我们每天睡八小时。
sleep 指睡,睡着的全过程
go to bed 强调动作,不含睡着之意。 
I like going to bed early, but sometimes I can’t sleep. 
sleeping 睡眠中的,睡觉的 a sleeping child  睡着的孩子
6. at night 在晚上  侧重指下午六点到午夜
in the evening  在晚上,指天黑到睡觉前这段时间
during the night 指夜间,指天黑到天明这一段时间
all night=all night long 整夜 good night 晚安  night after night 一夜又一夜

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