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高三unit12 阅读课教案

[06-21 12:29:33]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  高三英语教案   阅读:8473
概要:Unit 12 Education for all Targets of this lesson: 1)Know about the present situation of Chinese education. 2)Know some organization of education. 3)Learn the problems and achievement of education worldwide now. 4) Practise student’s ability of detailed reading. 5)Realize the relationship between education and economy. Pre-reading Look around your school and list all the equipment, people and plans that are needed to run a school. In
高三unit12 阅读课教案,标签:人教版高三英语教案,高三英语教案下载,http://www.77xue.com

Unit 12 Education for all
Targets of this lesson:
1)Know about the present situation of Chinese education.
2)Know some organization of education.
3)Learn the problems and achievement of     
       education worldwide now.
4) Practise student’s ability of detailed reading.
5)Realize the relationship between education and economy. 
Look around your school and list all the equipment, people and plans that are needed to run a school.
In order to run a school, we need
A. buildings as classrooms and offices
B. a playground for the students 
C. desks and chairs 
D. TV sets , computers and any other equipment
E. teachers and other workers
F. a lot of other things
Leading in

Have you ever seen this picture before?
This is a picture in a public advertisement to encourage people to help poor children

Choose the best heading for each paragraph 
1. Education for all children worldwide will be difficult to achieve
2. Solving the problem of teaching quality in remote areas
3. Compulsory education for all Chinese children 
4. Problems of number and location
5. Encouraging people in rural areas to accept education
6. Meeting the cost
7. Education for All --- an international target
1-G 2-F 3-A 4-D 5-C 6-E 7-B
Careful Reading
Choose the best answer
1.______ prevents some people attaching importance to education.
A. The importance of agriculture    
B. Heavy work on the farm
C. Traditional ideas    D. All the above
2. What kind of classes can often be seen in western provinces in China?
A. Mixed grade classes     B. Classes of large sizes
C. Classes of small sizes
D. Classes by two-way radio and mail
3.What measures do many developing countries take to provide schools with necessary equipment? 

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