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[10-10 21:14:23]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  礼仪英语   阅读:8290
概要:Just think back to a recent uncomfortable conversation you had with someone -- a friend, family member or total stranger. Things were going well until the other person just laid it all out there: an unnecessary peek into his or her financial situation, sex life or health problems. No matter what you do, your view of an oversharer is forever changed.只要想想你最近的不愉快对话–无论是与朋友、家人或陌生人:刚开始一切都很顺利,直到对方跨过界线开始刺探财务状况、性生活或健康问题。不管怎麼努力,你对过分分享者已永远改观。If you ha

Just think back to a recent uncomfortable conversation you had with someone -- a friend, family member or total stranger. Things were going well until the other person just laid it all out there: an unnecessary peek into his or her financial situation, sex life or health problems. No matter what you do, your view of an oversharer is forever changed.


If you haven't suffered through one of these conversations, your time will come ... or you are a walking diary.


Painful chitchat on a train is one thing, but workplace TMI is its own monster. At work, oversharing can damage yourreputation

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