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[10-10 21:44:35]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  九年级英语教案   阅读:8740
概要:A truck driver saw the fire when he was on his _2_ to Stanton. As soon as he reached the town, he told the police about it. Soon fire fighters were _3_ westwards. When they reached the fire, they saw that it was very big. It could not spread(蔓延) to the north because there was a _4 _ or to the south because there was a wide river. But a west wind was carrying the _5 _ to Stanton and the fire fighters could not _6 _ it. Then, one of the fire fight
  A truck driver saw the fire when he was on his _2_ to Stanton. As soon as he reached the town, he told the police about it. Soon fire fighters were _3_ westwards. When they reached the fire, they saw that it was very big. It could not spread(蔓延) to the north because there was a _4 _ or to the south because there was a wide river. But a west wind was carrying the _5 _ to Stanton and the fire fighters could not _6 _ it. Then, one of the fire fighters sent a _7 _ back to the town by radio.
  Lots of people hurried to a place about half a kilometre west of the town. There they would use dynamite(zha药) to blow down the _8 _ and to clear a wide path(小路) through the trees. When the fire reached the path it began to die down because there was nothing _9 _ to burn (燃烧). _10 _ several hours they put out the fire and save the town.
( ) 1. A. wind   B. rain   C. snow  D. cold
( ) 2. A. way    B. road   C. street D. work
( ) 3. A. going   B. hurrying C. getting D. coming
( ) 4. A. park   B. building C. zoo   D. lake
( ) 5. A. trees   B. fire   C. truck  D. car
( ) 6. A. help   B. save   C. get   D. stop
( ) 7. A. paper   B. message  C. book  D. letter
( ) 8. A. trees   B. hills   C. houses D. walls
( ) 9. A. left   B. bad    C. serious D. good
( ) 10. A. For   B. Before  C. until  D. After
参考答案: 1---5 B A D D B 6---10 D B B A D
V. 改错 下列各句中都有一个错误,请按下列要求改正:
  1. The policeman stoped the truck at the traffic lights._________
  2. He draws as good as his brother._________
  3. He got up early on this morning._________
  4. I will be back in half a hour._________
  5. She is the more popular singer in China._________
  6. We can see a lot people in the park._________
  1. The policeman stoped the truck at the traffic lights.__stopped__
  2. He draws as good as his brother.___well____
  3. He got up early on this morning.___on_____
  4. I will be back in half a hour.___an_____
  5. She is the more popular singer in China.___most___
  6. We can see a lot ∧ people in the park.___of_____
Ⅵ. 书面表达
A) 根据中英文提示,用英文写一段话,要求不少于四句,所给的词语都必须用上。
  it, snow heavily, yesterday afternoon.  on one’s way home, see, an old woman, fall down
  Luckily, not badly hurt  help, stand, take ... to hospital

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