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Evening red and morning gray

[01-12 15:00:30]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英语顺口溜   阅读:8737
概要:Evening red and morning gray,Send the traveler on his way,Evening gray and morning red, Bring the rain upon his head. 经典语句www.77xue.com. 此文章是由(www.77xue.com)为大家精心收集和整理,希望各位朋友能够喜欢,并支持我们,我们会做的更好!—— 转载请注明文章来源及原始链接,谢谢合作!
Evening red and morning gray,标签:英语顺口溜大全,儿童英语顺口溜,http://www.77xue.com

Evening red and morning gray,

Send the traveler on his way,

Evening gray and morning red,

Bring the rain upon his head.

此文章是由 (www.77xue.com)为大家精心收集和整理,希望各位朋友能够喜欢,并支持我们,我们会做的更好!—— 转载请注明文章来源及原始链接,谢谢合作!
Tag:英语顺口溜英语顺口溜大全,儿童英语顺口溜顺口溜大全 - 英语顺口溜

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