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[10-10 21:14:23]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  礼仪英语   阅读:8176
概要:WORDS & EXPRESSONS 基本词汇表达 programme 计划,项目 benefit 福利 abroad 在国外,在海外 bonus 奖金,红利 remuneration 酬劳,酬金 origin 血统,出身 schedule 日程安排表,时刻表 notify 通知 hear from 收到……的消息 BASIC EXPRESSIONS 基本句型表达【面试方】: 1)Do you have any questions you want to ask? 你有问题要问吗? 2)Any questions about the job?对这份工作还有什么问题? 3)Is there anything you want to know?有什么你想知道的吗? 4)You may ask questions about us, if you have any. 如果有


    programme   计划,项目

    benefit 福利

    abroad 在国外,在海外

    bonus   奖金,红利

    remuneration  酬劳,酬金

    origin 血统,出身

    schedule 日程安排表,时刻表

    notify 通知

    hear from 收到……的消息



    1)Do you have any questions you want to ask? 你有问题要问吗?

    2)Any questions about the job?对这份工作还有什么问题?

    3)Is there anything you want to know?有什么你想知道的吗?

    4)You may ask questions about us, if you have any. 如果有什么问题,你可以提问。

    5)Do you have any questions you would like to ask me?你有什么问题要问我吗?



    1)I have learned that your company will send employees to US to attend training programmes.I'd like to know how you choose employees to attend these programmes. 我知道贵公司准备派出部分员工到美国参加培训计划,我想知道你们怎样挑选这些员工。

    2)Do you have a training program for new employees?贵公司对新员工有培训计划吗?

    3)Are most of your foreign customers Americans or do they come from many different countries?贵公司的大部分外国客户是美国人呢?还是来自许多不同的国家?

    4)Do you have any recreational activities for employees?贵公司有员工娱乐活动吗?

    5)To whom should I report?我应该向谁负责?

    6)How many staff are there in your department?这部门共有多少人?

    7)What kind of computer you are using now?你们现在用什么类型的电脑?

    8)Is the job full-time or part-time?这工作是全职的还是业余的?

    9)What are the hours?上班时间是几点?

    10)What are the normal working hours?正常上班时间是几点?

    11)Are there many lay-offs?有许多人临时下岗吗?


    12)May I ask how much the bonuses are?能否问一下奖金有多少?

    13)Is there overtime?有加班吗?

    14)Is there opportunity to advance?有提升的机会吗?

    15)What would my duties be?我的工作职责是什么?

    16)I have one question to ask: would I have to work overtime very often?有一个问题,我要经常加班吗?

    17)What are the benefits?有什么津贴?

    18)What's the salary?薪水多少?

    19)When will I know if I have the job?我何时能知道我获得工作?

    20)Can you tell me a little about employee benefits such and the health in such as the health insurance program?能告诉我关于健康保险之类的员工福利吗?

    21)I would like to know if there would be any opportunity to work abroad in the future. 我想知道将来是否有出国工作的机会。

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