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[10-10 21:23:13]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历范文   阅读:8540
概要:In 1935, the early independence, Dior has gone through a very dark time. Every day he had to read the small ads in the search for job opportunities, he did not have a fixed address, living with friends from time to time, sometimes sleeping on the streets, hungry a meal, eat a meal, and ultimately had tuberculosis. Nevertheless, Dior has not collapsed under. One day when Dior could not find work due to a deeply frustrated, a fashion industry frien
In 1935, the early independence, Dior has gone through a very dark time. Every day he had to read the small ads in the search for job opportunities, he did not have a fixed address, living with friends from time to time, sometimes sleeping on the streets, hungry a meal, eat a meal, and ultimately had tuberculosis. Nevertheless, Dior has not collapsed under.
One day when Dior could not find work due to a deeply frustrated, a fashion industry friend suggested that he painted a number of fashion design, but unexpectedly popular. The design of each show are fully exposed to his unique, he firmly grasp the dynamics of life, each designed so lifelike.
In 1937, he has finally become "Pignet" the company's fashion designer. Meanwhile, the outbreak of World War II, Dior was forced to leave Paris to reunite with their families. When he returned to Paris, his "Pignet" fashion designer position the company has been an alternative to others, he had no choice but to become an Assistant. Then Dior has over 40 years, and friends around him are successful, it has been a big turn Dior.
Attempts and failures over the years so that the maturing of Dior, he is well aware of his talent. He is a natural-born designer, never learned from the cutting, sewing skills, but the concept of cut clear in their minds of a very sharp sense of proportion.
February 12, 1947, this is a glorious day, Dior opened his first high-level fashion show, the introduction of the first fashion series called "new look" (New Look). The distinctive style of fashion: a long skirt no longer drag and丰臀that women are breast augmentation,腰肢thin, soft shoulder-shaped curve, breaking the old-fashioned post-war conservative women's line. This style of art is a sensation in Paris and the whole Western world, impressive to Dior in the fashion industry has become famous for. When one appears in front of a model, it was almost not believe my own eyes: that big long before the round-table, and that slender waist, then chest high, as well as semi-斜斜to遮着hat eyes ... ... allow people to brighten suddenly, sitting in the auditorium in the ladies wearing them at the time of the short and the jacket strapped to his body began to feel annoyed and uncomfortable. Dior this day with great success.
Soon, Dior fashion with his first of a series of "New Fashion" will be successfully developed to the cause of the rise of the Atlantic Ocean on the other side - the United States. News quickly spread all over New York, Dior was the seventh in New York Street (the street known) to take root. Dior was the advent of the war with Europe was cut off between "Uncle Sam" brought home the unique charm of European style and color. People began to bid farewell to miniskirts, lantern sleeves, flat-heeled shoes and fancy hats broccoli. Dior's designs at the same time breaking the popular pre-war Chanel (Channel)-type fashion. Cover half the face of Dior's broad-brimmed hats and big rustling dress before, let people look back to a more classical era. This is highlighted in a new Dior styles.
Dior creation in the second phase of a bold use of black. Pure wool black dress Wai perimeter of the skirt as high as 40 meters. Dior will be the second phase of works known as "Dierame".

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