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[10-10 21:23:13]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历范文   阅读:8540
概要:In 2001, the summer series have been published, with the exception of women, but also published for the first time men's series, continue to be the theme of flowers and trees, fairy tales continue to perform color. In the past few years the award-winning fashion career In 1996, by the by the "Belgian Fashion Magazine" organized "Knack-Weekend" Award In 1998, by the Flemish Fashion Institute Honor Award liuwei_8225 2006-03-
In 2001, the summer series have been published, with the exception of women, but also published for the first time men's series, continue to be the theme of flowers and trees, fairy tales continue to perform color.
In the past few years the award-winning fashion career
In 1996, by the by the "Belgian Fashion Magazine" organized "Knack-Weekend" Award
In 1998, by the Flemish Fashion Institute Honor Award

liuwei_8225 2006-03-10 09:16
Seventh Avenue, New York Prince: Calvin Klein Calvin Klein

In 1942, was born in New York.
In 1959 -1962, a student at the famous New York Fashion Institute (FIT).
In 1962 -1964 as丹米Falstein (Dan Millstein) Assistant Designer.
In 1964 -1968, for the freedom of the designer.

Calvin Klein is a full range of designers, whether they are genuine, the Deputy licensing or any product line, he has a complete idea of planning. Now, he's a total of three major clothing line, clothing and accessories are in accordance with the design performance. His 56-year-old New York fashion world in words and deeds are followed by the media, the "Prince of New York's Seventh Avenue," the title.

Pilgrim Star:
In 1968, co-founder of Calvin Klein "Calvin Klein" companies.
In 1991, the reorganization of the company.
90 years, a great ad: Luke Shields in the snow wearing a pair of jeans is not doing sexy底裤said: "I told my Calvin nothing between." Although the ad lead to women's rights the attention of sports, is alleged to have encouraged violence against women suspected of, but still lost to this pair of jeans sales soared. When Calvin Klein started it is a success after the first shot, his career soared, won four awards of certain clothing Kou pedicled Award, its vice-licensing and related products, one after another is introduced, it is hardly surprising that someone would be around many of McDonald's, to describe Calvin Klein can be seen frantically.
In 1997, Calvin Klein dress it in the field of writing and brilliant into the watch-making industry. In the well-known cooperation with the Swatch Group, CK WATCH CoLtd established; a result, young, and highly personalized fashion colors to come out of the CK form.
Has won four consecutive awards renowned clothing.

Attention to form the first line of women's designer: Christopher Christian Dior

In January 1905, was born in Normandy, France
1920 -1925, the study of political science
1928 -1931, the art dealers
1931 -1937, the freedom of the designer
1937 -1939 years, Piguet (Piguet) Assistant designer clothing store
1941 -1947 years, Lelong (Lelong) designer clothing store
In 1946, open their own stores

The name of Dior "Dior" in French is "God" and "gold" of the portfolio. Named after his brand (referred to as CD), since inception in 1947, has been synonymous with beautiful and elegant. Whether it is the fashion, cosmetics or other products, CD has been ranked in the top fashion hall.

Pilgrim Star:


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