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《暮光之城3》月食经典台词大全 中英文 暮光之毒无解药~!

[10-10 21:47:59]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  经典台词   阅读:8958
概要: 我想很多人都中了暮光之毒!每次想东西一想到暮光里的人和事,就会惋惜,因为一仔细想,现实生活中没有这些东西,不知道现在你得毒还有没有解,但是我们,要带你重温一次这致命的暮光之毒,你,准备好了吗?1、Edward is in my lifeEdward是我的生命2、We are the future. Anything is possible...我们就是未来 一切皆有可能...3、"I miss you too. Doesn't change anything.""我也想念你 永不变心"4、I was trying to protect you我只是想保护你5、Have you... imprinted on someone?你的心有没有... 被谁留下烙印?6、Bella:Why are you so against me to come with you? 贝拉:你为什么这么反感和我在一起?7、Ok
《暮光之城3》月食经典台词大全 中英文 暮光之毒无解药~!,标签:电影经典台词,经典台词大全,http://www.77xue.com


1、Edward is in my life

2、We are the future. Anything is possible...
我们就是未来 一切皆有可能...

3、"I miss you too. Doesn't change anything."
"我也想念你 永不变心"

4、I was trying to protect you

5、Have you... imprinted on someone?
你的心有没有... 被谁留下烙印?

6、Bella:Why are you so against me to come with you?

7、Okay I will if you marry me, It's called a compromise.
你要是嫁给我 我就答应你 这就是妥协吧

8、Where I am from, it's the way one says, "I love you"
在我们那儿 这代表"我爱你"

9、Bella:Edward, she found us. 

10、Jacob:I am gonna fight for you until your heart stops beating. 

11、Edward:I will protect you no matter what 

12、Bella:You don't know what you're getting yourself into.

13、Bella, you have to understand. Your safety is everything to me.
Bella 你要明白 你的安全对我来说是最重要的

14、After all, how many times we gonna graduate high school?
毕竟 我们还有多少次高中毕业的机会啊?

15、That I'm in love with you.And I want you to choose me, instead of him.
我深爱着你我希望你选我 而不是选他

16、Edward:Isabella Swan,I promise to love you every moment forever.

17、It's like he's willing to leap in front of you,and take a bullet or something

18、You stick with him.If he moves, you move. Like magnets
你们像是粘在一起,他动 你就跟着动 就像磁铁

19、Jane:She is still human, the volturi don' give second chances.

20、Jacob:You have to consider the idea that i might be better for her than you are.

21、Edward:I know the consequences of the choice you are making after a few decades, everyone you know will be dead.

22、But to risk yours, just for the sake of never having to lose you.It's the most selfish thing I'll ever do.

23、Jacob:You wouldn't have to change for me, bella. i am in love with you. and i want you to pick me and start a family.

24、Imprinting on someone is like...Like when you see her, everything changes.All of a sudden, it's not gravity holding you to the planet.It's her.Nothing else matters. You would do anything..Be anything for her.

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