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[11-09 14:22:24]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  礼仪英语   阅读:8497
概要:-与老板约谈。主攻管理关系问题的职业顾问泰娅?马斯拉奇(Tanya Maslach)建议,辞职也要郑重其事,并和老板约谈一下。她说,准备好自己要说的话,要直接、诚恳和明了。她建议辞职者主动提出帮助进行工作交接,问问老板自己怎样做才好。在讨论之后,向你的老板提交一封仔细措辞的辞职信,标明你具体的离职时间以及你在交接过程中可以提供怎样的帮助。自己保留一份复印件。通行做法是留出两周的离职通知时间,但是专家建议,如果你在一家公司供职五年以上,你应该为老东家留出更多的交接时间。你也要做好立即离职的准备,有的公司有此要求。-Don't take the stapler. 'It's not worth it,' says Mr. Goldfarb. 'If there are security cameras or coworkers with a grudge, stealing from the company doesn't look good.

  -与老板约谈。主攻管理关系问题的职业顾问泰娅?马斯拉奇(Tanya Maslach)建议,辞职也要郑重其事,并和老板约谈一下。她说,准备好自己要说的话,要直接、诚恳和明了。她建议辞职者主动提出帮助进行工作交接,问问老板自己怎样做才好。在讨论之后,向你的老板提交一封仔细措辞的辞职信,标明你具体的离职时间以及你在交接过程中可以提供怎样的帮助。自己保留一份复印件。通行做法是留出两周的离职通知时间,但是专家建议,如果你在一家公司供职五年以上,你应该为老东家留出更多的交接时间。你也要做好立即离职的准备,有的公司有此要求。

  -Don't take the stapler. 'It's not worth it,' says Mr. Goldfarb. 'If there are security cameras or coworkers with a grudge, stealing from the company doesn't look good.' In some cases, you could also end up getting billed for the missing equipment -- or even taken to court, he says.


  -Scrub your digital footprint. Clear your browser cache, remove passwords to Web sites you use from work, such as your personal email or online bank account and delete any personal files on your work computer that aren't relevant to work. Don't delete anything work related if you're required to keep it.


  -Be honest but remain positive. Be helpful during the exit interview but keep responses simple and professional. Don't use the session to lay blame or rant about the workplace. 'Whatever you do, don't confess about how much you disliked working there,' says Ms. Maslach. 'If you want to leave a helpful bit of advice or opinion, consider offering your expertise to your soon-to-be ex-boss . . . offer to be available to them for advice when they get in a rut.'


  -Stay close. Consider joining an employee alumni association, which often serves as a networking group for former employees. It can be a good way to keep up with changes in the company and industry -- and find leads to new jobs down the road. Keep in touch with coworkers you worked closely with; they may end up in management roles.


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