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[11-09 14:22:08]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  礼仪英语   阅读:8773
概要:和你同事讲黄色笑话Everyone appreciates a good joke, right? That may be true, but while most people appreciate a good joke, many are put off by dirty jokes. It's not your problem so keep telling those jokes, but don't be surprised if you find yourself accused of sexual harassmentone day.任何人都喜欢好的笑话,是吗?也许是真的,但是正如大部分人都喜欢好笑话,也有很多人抵制黄色笑话。不停的讲黄色笑话并不是你的错误,但是如果有一天你被指责为性骚扰也不要觉得奇怪。7.Spam Your Co-Workers发垃圾邮件骚扰你的同事Forward tons of email to all your co-workers.


  Everyone appreciates a good joke, right? That may be true, but while most people appreciate a good joke, many are put off by dirty jokes. It's not your problem so keep telling those jokes, but don't be surprised if you find yourself accused of sexual harassmentone day.


  7.Spam Your Co-Workers


  Forward tons of email to all your co-workers. The content doesn't matter. Send it all — chain letters, jokes, and petitions. They'll be thinking of you as they keep hitting that delete button.


  8.Chew Your Gum Loudly


  Nothing sounds as yummy as the noise made by someone cracking their chewing gum and smacking their lips. It may drive your co-workers crazy, but isn't that what you're trying to do?


  9.Don't Carry Your Own Weight


  If you don't do your fair share of the work required by your department, your co-workers will have to pick up the slack. They'll be so exhausted from doing all the work, they won't be able to thank you.


  10.Talk Down to Your Co-Workers


  You may think talking down to your co-workers will build you up, but a condescendingattitude will not make you appear stronger. It will, however, make your co-workers resent you.


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