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[10-10 21:25:28]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  简历表格   阅读:8923
概要: 从资格证,并在相关物流企业作实习。 语言、计算机能力:较的口头表达能力,可运用OFFICE办公软件及懂电脑硬 件日常维护. 业务专长:适合工作于业务类职位,并对其有浓厚兴趣,头脑灵活,擅 长于交际,并具有坚韧不拔的毅力及挑战工作的激情。 详细个人自传 性格乐观、开朗、思维敏捷,积极上进,个性亲和,有较强组织及交际能力。工作认真、细心、具有一定韧性,拥有相关工作经验,能承受工作压力,做事脚踏实地,谦虚谨慎,乐于学习。为人敬业爱业,愿意在所在的职业上全心全意工作,发挥自己优势,为公司作出贡献。 English Resume: Brief outline

  语言、计算机能力:较的口头表达能力,可运用OFFICE办公软件及懂电脑硬 件日常维护.

        长于交际,并具有坚韧不拔的毅力及挑战工作的激情。    详细个人自传       性格乐观、开朗、思维敏捷,积极上进,个性亲和,有较强组织及交际
能力。工作认真、细心、具有一定韧性,拥有相关工作经验,能承受工作压力,做事脚踏实地,谦虚谨慎,乐于学习。为人敬业爱业,愿意在所在的职业上全心全意工作,发挥自己优势,为公司作出贡献。 English Resume: Brief outline

Name: Hamson cheung
Age: 23
Sex: male
Health: Good
Native place: Huiyan ,Guangdong
College graduated: Nanhua College of industry and commerce
Major: International trade

Major skill:

Familiar to all procedures of important and export, international trade; Can establish business relationship with overseas customer. For example enquire , offer ,counter offer and negotiate. Can make foreign trade documents as invoice and packing list.

Compute skill:
Can use freely such office software as Word, Excel , and so on.

BEC A2  

Work experience
Nov,2005—Apr,2006:  Worked in Chinatrans International LTD
As a sales executive, i mainly take charge establish business relation with other LCL shipping agency company. And deal with the case about client

May,2006--Jun,2006: Worked in Guangzhou Wealthy Business Management Co., Ltd
Sales counselor  
Mainly take charge in cooperating with the Net bar that developing our company’s short food operation.

Seeks employment intention:
Foreign trade staff, Purchaser, QC , sales executive

Mobile: 13724879039

Believe your trust and my ability will bring both of us successful! And i hope i can contribute all my strength to your company's thriving and prosperors !

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