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[10-10 21:38:48]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历模板   阅读:8913
概要:Size: 10 people work in the following locations: Shanghai Pudong Job Title: Representative of Jiangxi Copper Job description: to engage in information gathering of raw materials of copper and copper materials negotiations Company Name: Jiangxi Copper Import and Export Corporation (July 1999 - 20xx10月) Industry: Chemical extraction petrochemical refining the nature of mineral companies: state-owned enterprises Size: more than 1,000 people Locati
Size: 10 people work in the following locations: Shanghai Pudong
Job Title: Representative of Jiangxi Copper
Job description: to engage in information gathering of raw materials of copper and copper materials negotiations
Company Name: Jiangxi Copper Import and Export Corporation (July 1999 - 20xx10月)
Industry: Chemical extraction petrochemical refining the nature of mineral companies: state-owned enterprises
Size: more than 1,000 people Location: Jiangxi Guixi
Job Title: copper concentrate business hosting
Job Description: import and export business hosting

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