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[10-10 21:38:48]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历模板   阅读:8632
概要:First, I studied the ball, playing for 15 years, first with the Shanxi University School, a former school ball team, so basically the regular game, but it seems less than professional teams in the amateur level, I still pay attention to "shape" of the kind, against the ugly game. I am anti-plastic loop on both sides play, but also a little familiar with the other game. Secondly, I have been a coach other sports, sports education experie

First, I studied the ball, playing for 15 years, first with the Shanxi University School, a former school ball team, so basically the regular game, but it seems less than professional teams in the amateur level, I still pay attention to "shape" of the kind, against the ugly game. I am anti-plastic loop on both sides play, but also a little familiar with the other game.

Secondly, I have been a coach other sports, sports education experience of others, which who know me well know that.

Thirdly, I particularly high level of theory, I dare say that this talk is that in 1997 published a book about sports, "Sports in China - China's sports culture and national character" and had been the province level incentives. Also wrote football and other sports hundreds of commentaries, there are two sports will also be published manuscript, "Xinhua Digest" in 1992 had nine full text of my thesis sports. National Taiwan Normal University to China since the publication of four sports papers, of which three core journals.

Fourth, as table tennis results, only some between the Department and the Department of the match, play groups, won the championship. East China Normal University Department of Chinese graduate students last year, team play, I was sub-members of the armed forces.

Fifth, I have a friend who sports circles, such as the Shanghai professor of sociology at the University of the old land, the former Shanghai team, after the City as a coach. Beijing also recognized a few engage in ping-pong, such as Teaching and Research Associate Professor北体大ball老唐, they have given me a lot of help.

Sixth, to observe two national youth team table tennis training, seen them a high level of practice.

Seventh, many table tennis community awareness, including a few from the sports school, two professional teams, but also the coaches and Deng had the ball two hours, location, the National Education Committee and table tennis room, met with an expert, and have passthrough, there are feelings.

Eighth, be briefed on, the ball is easy to understand the rationale put.

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