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[10-10 21:38:48]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历模板   阅读:8196
概要:September, 2006:The sea Er whole news conference of kitchen Peking The responsibility describe:The item participates a person The customer evaluate:Excellent October, 2006:The sea Er whole arched bridge road flagship store of kitchen Shanghai starts practice a plan performance The responsibility describe:The item participates a person The customer evaluate:Good October, 2006:The national middle-class family kitchen appears on market the plan perf
September, 2006:The sea Er whole news conference of kitchen Peking
The responsibility describe:The item participates a person
The customer evaluate:Excellent
October, 2006:The sea Er whole arched bridge road flagship store of kitchen Shanghai starts practice a plan performance
The responsibility describe:The item participates a person
The customer evaluate:Good
October, 2006:The national middle-class family kitchen appears on market the plan performance of activity
The responsibility describe:The representative director of the item
The customer evaluate:Good
December, 2006:Nanking zero formaldehydes appear on market the plan and performance of activity
The responsibility describe:The item participates a person
The customer evaluate:Good
January, 2007:The plan which reside the profession sea south forum of Bo Ao in the Chinese house
The responsibility describe:The item participates a person
The customer evaluate:Good
April, 2007:Zero formaldehyde kitchens in the Qingdao, Shanghai appear on market an activity
The responsibility describe:The representative director of the item
The customer evaluate:Excellent
Other elucidation
Compare stronger organization coordination ability and the team cooperation spirit, reaction nimble, diligent, vivid contingency.Be good at communicating with person, study ability strong.

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