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[10-10 21:38:48]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历模板   阅读:8564
概要:Highest level of education: undergraduate degree: Bachelor of graduation - 1994-07-01 Studies by one: Industrial Automation Science II: By education and training experience: the termination of the start date school years (institutions) to obtain a certificate of professional certificate number 1990-09 1994-07 Shenyang Institute of Chemical Technology degree in industrial automation 04132 1996-01 1996-11 Japan HONEYWELL dcs control system designed
Highest level of education: undergraduate degree: Bachelor of graduation - 1994-07-01
Studies by one: Industrial Automation Science II:
By education and training experience: the termination of the start date school years (institutions) to obtain a certificate of professional certificate number
1990-09 1994-07 Shenyang Institute of Chemical Technology degree in industrial automation 04132
1996-01 1996-11 Japan HONEYWELL dcs control system designed to safeguard 19,961,108
Language ability
Foreign Languages: English well
Mandarin level: the level of good Cantonese: General
The ability to work and other expertise
  Project experience
2005/06--2005/07: Jiangmen moving part of the network transformation BOSS

Project Description: The part of the network transformation of Jiangmen
Description responsibility: to provide network equipment and construction

2005/01--2005/04: AIA Foshan branch wiring project

Project Description: Responsible for the design, construction supervision, communication and infrastructure
Responsibility Description: Project Manager

2004/03--2005/03: Dongguan Development Bank focused on large data item
Project Description: To establish a redundant data center disaster
Responsibility Description: network implementation and project management

2003/06--2003/10: Guangzhou Civil Aviation Information Network

Project Description: In Zhuhai, Dongguan, the establishment of branch network, the easy migration of customer networks
Responsibility Description: responsible for project management networks

2002/03--2002/12: Mobile Dongguan Branch Office 50 business network engineering

Project Description: 50 mobile Dongguan branch network of the Office of the construction business
Description responsibility: in charge of the project management and implementation of

2001/01--2001/05: Shilong Dongguan Branch Public Security Bureau of the DDN network formed

Software Environment: WIN2000
Hardware Environment: HP
Project Description: DDN network formed
Responsibility Description: responsible for network planning and implementation of
Detailed personal autobiography
  I was a serious and responsible work, good management team who work with rich management experience, has many years engaging in data communications products, value-added Internet services, telecommunications value-added business management experience and construction project management experience weak intelligence. Also has many years of experience in marketing, sales and marketing to engage in the work of up to five years, engaged in project management and design experience of five years.

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