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[10-10 21:38:48]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历模板   阅读:8384
概要: I have engaged in the work of building professionals for more than a decade, a wealth of work experience, a serious and responsible work, patience, have a stronger sense of responsibility, there are large-scale project management coordination of construction supervision experience. Construction management: responsible for the management of large-scale commercial and residential cons
  I have engaged in the work of building professionals for more than a decade, a wealth of work experience, a serious and responsible work, patience, have a stronger sense of responsibility, there are large-scale project management coordination of construction supervision experience.
    Construction management: responsible for the management of large-scale commercial and residential construction; supervisory management; responsible for the supervision Maoming Building, telecommunications management, the Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway North ancillary works, Zhuhai Ocean Spring Resort Spa management supervision, a residential district and Supervision of management of civil engineering plant.
    Real estate management: responsible for Foshan Agile Garden residential district in charge of the work of civil engineering management.    详细个人自传   I am engaged in construction and real estate industry for more than a decade, has been familiar with the construction of the legal administrative regulations / department rules and regulations, be familiar with the norms of construction. Insist on quality first, the purpose of affecting the quality and safety control of the key factors that oppose one-sided the pursuit of progress, quality and safety of the premise that in order to drive progress and ensure uniform quality and safety of the progress of the three. for non-compliance with laws and regulations / technical norms will never let go, not following the construction drawings, jerry-building, there is the quality and the conduct of security, self-examination and self-correction to take, or measures such as suspension of work
  At work, I summed up the experience of some successful; see more drawings, more to the construction site, multi-use their brains. To deal with the issue of the right to use, it is necessary to work independently, act decisively, but also to draw on collective wisdom to listen to opinions from all sides, on specific issues analysis. Looking ahead, I will continue to adhere to its own principles, love their jobs and positive.

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