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[10-10 21:38:48]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历模板   阅读:8318
概要: 2004 ads in Guangdong昆冈Trust liabilities do graphic design projects graphic design newsletter and editing. Successful design in 2004, "the Guangdong Provincial Cultural Studies Institute of calligraphy and painting art committee" of the logo, and the successful adoption. Successful design in 2005, "Cultural Institute of Guangdong Province" logo, are now being among the select. Love in Guangdong in 2005 Granvill
    2004 ads in Guangdong昆冈Trust liabilities do graphic design projects graphic design newsletter and editing.
    Successful design in 2004, "the Guangdong Provincial Cultural Studies Institute of calligraphy and painting art committee" of the logo, and the successful adoption.
    Successful design in 2005, "Cultural Institute of Guangdong Province" logo, are now being among the select.
    Love in Guangdong in 2005 Granville Cultural Development Co., Ltd. head of any U.S. organization.
    Since 2005 -2006 Mike Cartwright Global Co., Ltd. in Hong Kong any photographers and graphic designers advertising.
    I hope to engage in art design and art editing, packaging design work and art editor of the post have some work experience, at the same time have sufficient confidence to meet any challenge.

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