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[11-08 12:50:42]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文求职信范文   阅读:8219
概要:Since 1999, many organizations have participated in the School for teachers of information technology training, given all the teachers said the school Animator, Flash, Authoware software, and this semester I have a history of high-group collective group lesson preparation to the group talk about three other teachers how to use Flash, Photoshop software, courseware production history, by history teacher Teaching and Research Group Leader and Membe

Since 1999, many organizations have participated in the School for teachers of information technology training, given all the teachers said the school Animator, Flash, Authoware software, and this semester I have a history of high-group collective group lesson preparation to the group talk about three other teachers how to use Flash, Photoshop software, courseware production history, by history teacher Teaching and Research Group Leader and Members alike.

Second, in terms of education:

Since the beginning of 2002 as class work, brought about by the class of outstanding achievement, in 2002, two years in a row in 2003 was named outstanding teacher. At the same time, Yangquan a forum in his "big cattle Forum" moderator, opened up a "class forum", "心灵驿站" and other columns, a number of themes arising from the strong response of students, such as: "the class teacher and students can become a friend? "" how to deal with students online to play all night? "," Student Case Analysis "and other themes, students often respond to the theme of communication through the Internet so that teachers learn more about the mental activities of students, but also with the students do not meet online frank exchanges, strengthening the future of targeted education students to create the conditions laid the foundation. At the same time also strengthened between the class teacher, class teacher and student exchanges and communication between.

Advise their students to actively participate in various extra-curricular competition in 1999, the third in the national patriotism education in primary and secondary school students in the competition, won the outstanding teacher award in 2001 primary and secondary school students across the country to celebrate the 80 anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party education activities won the Outstanding Teacher Award for guidance.

Third, teaching and research areas:

1, to write theses. Since the edge from the work involved in teaching, while pay attention to summing up of education, teaching experiences and lessons with the case, and written papers.
June 1998, thesis on "extra-curricular activities and historical analysis of classroom teaching with examples," a film by the Chinese urban social income "excellent collection of teaching experience in education reform."

August 1998, the preparation of the "distribution of Yangquan moral education and the development and utilization of resources," a book by the City Archives, the Urban Institute file information as the development of the outcome of the file first.

June 2001, thesis on "the history of modern education technology and innovative teaching education" by the Chinese Research Association for Education and intelligence as the outstanding achievements of the academic committee of the first prize.

In 2002, the paper "Innovation education in the application of modern educational technology" has been published into the Radio "Chinese teachers books," The first series of "history lesson students study innovative capacity-building" in the.

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