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[05-11 15:21:50]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  职称英语考试试题   阅读:8689
概要:1. What happened to those hockey gloves that fell overboard?A. They were retrieved by the crew.B. Some of them reached shore at last.C. They sank to the seafloor.D. They were completely lost in the vast ocean.2. Why does Ebbysemeyer study ocean currents?A. For pragmatic purposes.B. For fun.C. Just out of curiosity.D. To study the lives of plankton.3. All the factors that affect ocean currents are discussed in the passage EXCEPTA. the sun's he
  1. What happened to those hockey gloves that fell overboard?
  A. They were retrieved by the crew.
  B. Some of them reached shore at last.
  C. They sank to the seafloor.
  D. They were completely lost in the vast ocean.
  2. Why does Ebbysemeyer study ocean currents?
  A. For pragmatic purposes.
  B. For fun.
  C. Just out of curiosity.
  D. To study the lives of plankton.
  3. All the factors that affect ocean currents are discussed in the passage EXCEPT
  A. the sun's heat
  B. rotation of the earth.
  C. gravitational force.
  D. windage
  4. What creates deep ocean currents?
  A. High temperatures near the equator.
  B. Magnetic force near the South Pole.
  C. Magnetic force near the North Pole.
  D. Low temperatures near the two Poles.
  5. What does the example of a Nike sneaker given in the last paragraph indicate?
  A. Nike products are most durable.
  B. Sometimes, objects may drift in the ocean for years.
  C. Seawater erodes drifting objects including Nike products.
  D. The Nike sneaker is still wearable after years of drifting.

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